Below you will find answers to many common questions about Giving Day 2025.
What are the goals for Giving Day 2025?
Our goal is to engage at least 2,025 unique donors during the campaign as well as to create a friendly competition among the colleges, departments and centers to raise funds for initiatives across Cleveland State University.
What are the hourly challenges? How can I participate?
Each hour throughout Giving Day, donors may be entered to win prizes ranging from tickets to sporting events, to CSU attire and matching funds awarded to colleges, departments and programs.
How can I make a gift?
Make your gift to Giving Day via our Giving Day website: Only gifts received through the project launch (1:00 pm EST on 2/26 for early giving) until noon (EST) on February 28, 2025, will be counted for Giving Day.
How do I become an Ambassador?
Click on the "Ambassador" portal on the top right of the homepage. Follow the registration prompts and help us spread the word about Cleveland State's 12th annual Giving Day. As an Ambassador, you will be entered to win exclusive prizes for those who bring in the most donors and dollars raised during the event.
When will my card be charged?
Your credit or debit card will be charged immediately after you make your gift.
What if the fund I would like to support is not listed?
If you do not see the fund that you would like to support, please select the appropriate department, and then select "Other" under the Fund Designation drop-down menu. A new field will appear immediately below where you can then type in whichever fund you wish to support.
Can I give to more than one area?
Absolutely! Please select "Add another gift to your donation" on the gift menu to select additional areas to support. Your card will only be charged once for the sum of your donations.
Do you accept matching gifts from my employer?
Absolutely! Click here to find out if your employer matches gifts.
How will I receive my tax receipt?
You will get an email confirmation of your credit card/PayPal/Venmo transaction right after you make a gift.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Your Giving Day gift may be tax deductible--see your tax professional for details. The CSU Foundation's tax ID number is 34-1316665. As stated above, your email confirmation can serve as your tax receipt.
Is there a minimum donation amount?
Yes. There is a $5 minimum.
Who should I contact if I have a question about my gift?
For general questions about your gift, please email Thank you!
Still have questions?
Contact us at