Building A Sense of Belonging Fund

Building A Sense of Belonging Fund supports the Division of Student Belonging and Success!! 

Your contributions help us support students who are first generation college students, graduated from a CMSD high school or any student experiencing barriers that prevent them from attending and graduating from college. Our mission is to provide equitable access and opportunities for all CSU students to achieve their educational and career goals and graduate from CSU. Our goal is to ensure that all students have a quality educational experience at CSU.

The 20 departments and programs in the Division for Student Belonging and Success provides students a quality experience by establishing improved systemic access, wrap around support, and enrichment that will result in equitable educational opportunities, increased decisions to return to college, an increased sense of belonging, and increased graduation rates. 

Our hallmark programs, Unified Academic Coaching, Living Learning Communities, TRIO (Academic wellness supports for first generation and/or low-income students), and CARE Team Management are dedicated to better supporting students experiencing crisis.

Through your generous gifts we have been able to support students by meeting basic everyday needs. We’ve funded items such as: childcare, outstanding accounts, food, health and personal hygiene items, computers, and books.

The CSU Student Belonging and Success Division, its programs and initiatives work in harmony to substantially impact the ability of CSU students to thrive, no matter who they are, where they are from or where they are headed.

Please make a difference by supporting the Building A Sense of Belonging Fund for the Division for Student Belonging and Success on Giving Day 2025!

Your Impact Beyond Campus:

According to Ohio’s post-secondary employment data, CSU is producing a greater percentage of graduates who stay and contribute to Ohio’s workforce than any other public institution in the state. Five years after graduation, 85% of our alumni remain in the state. And after 10 years, that number remains at an impressive 78%. A gift to CSU is ultimately an investment in Cleveland! Let’s make a difference together. 

Giving Day 2025 Total Dollars Raised
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Giving Day 2025 Total Donors
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