Susan D. Carver Finish Line Endowed Scholarship

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Description automatically generatedAdministering the Washkewicz College of Engineering’s scholarships was among the many responsibilities of the college’s former Asst. Dean, Dr. Susan D. Carver. She was particularly gratified when she could assist a student in good standing who was nearing “the finish line,” soon to graduate, but who was confronting economic hardship. Her stewardship of endowed funds often allowed her to help with a financial award that enabled that student to graduate.

Students felt supported and valued by her willingness to listen to their needs and help with a solution, especially during their final semesters before graduation. Hundreds of students were able to graduate and begin their professional careers as engineers, and data or computer scientists because of the monetary support. 

Upon retirement in December 2024, Dr. Carver decided to create an endowment to continue the much-appreciated support by establishing an endowed fund that would help the Washkewicz College of Engineering students make it to the finish line.  

Please consider a contribution to help grow the Finish Line scholarship in support of well-qualified students in need. Thank you so much! 

I was in an impossible financial situation last year and through a Washkewicz College of Engineering scholarship award, I would not have been able to continue my education without it. It is because of the scholarship that I will be graduating this year with two degrees in Computer Science and Physics, and I will forever be thankful for the support Dr. Carver and the college has given me through the scholarship!

~Courtney Scagliozzo ’25 


I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Carver and the Washkewicz College of Engineering (WCE) for awarding me the very much needed engineering scholarship. It helped ease my financial burden and instead of working multiple dead-end, low paying jobs to afford tuition, I secured an internship through the WCE’s Co-Op office, which led me to Medical Mutual’s IT Bootcamp and a guaranteed job before graduation—ultimately transforming my future and making my career as a software developer possible!

~Kenee’ Shepherd ‘23

WCOE - $25K Amount Raised Challenge, thanks to Susan D. Carver '96!
If $5,000 is raised for the Susan D. Carver Finish Line Endowed Scholarship, an additional $25,000 will be generously donated by Susan! It's an unprecedented 5:1 match!!
$5,000 Goal
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