2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the College at Cleveland State University, as well as the 20th anniversary of the Honors Program at Cleveland State, which was founded by former President Michael Schwartz, a visionary leader of CSU from 2002-2009, who passed away last month.
ALL of the funds raised today will support the Michael and Joanne Schwartz Honors Endowment Scholarship Fund, established by Dr. Schwartz and his wife, all proceeds of which are directed towards Honors scholarships.
For current student and particularly alumni who benefitted from the generous scholarships for your Mandel Honors education, please remember the Mandel Endowment covers only 20% of Honors scholarships.
Funds such as the Schwartz Endowment are crucial to helping fill the funding gap. Please consider paying it forward with whatever donation you can make for this crucial fund to keep scholarship dollars flowing for current and future students.
Thank you!